Jean Monnet Summer School

The EU and Hybrid Threats in the Wider Neighbourhood

6 September 2023

Maritime Security Issues of and around Europe

Serhat Güvenç, PhD

Professor of International Relations

Kadir Has University, Istanbul

[email protected]

DESCRIPTION: This module addresses maritime security threats and challenges the EU is facing in in immediate neighborhood as well as in the global maritime commons. The first part of this two-hour session is designed to help participants develop a general understanding of maritime security and discuss it in its global and regional contexts. The second part will be devoted exclusively to a discussion of changing (please read “hybrid”) character of security threats and challenges in the maritime domain.

In addition to reading and visual materials listed below, a video recording of instructor’s presentation will be shared with the participants upon completion of the module.



European Commission, JOIN/2023/8 Joint communication on the update of the EU Maritime Security Strategy and its Action Plan: An enhanced EU Maritime Security Strategy for evolving maritime threats, 10 March 2023 and ANNEX thereto.

Larsson, Oscar L, and J.J. Widen, “The European Union as a Maritime Security Provider – The Naval Diplomacy Perspective,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (2022).

Suvolainen, Yukka et. al,, Handbook on Maritime Hybrid Threats and 10 Scenarios and Legal Scans, (Helsinki, The European Center of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, 2019).


Bergeron, James Henry, Vilnius’ Implications for Alliance Naval Power, Center for Maritime Strategy, (10 June 2023)

Europeans wade into fighting seabed threats with drones and sensors, Defence News, (9 January 2023).

McCabe, Robert and Brendan Flynn, “Under the Radar: Ireland, maritime security capacity, and the governence of subsea infrastructure,” European Security, (online publication (26 August 2023).

Ralby, Iain, Confronting all Ten Modalities of Maritime Terrorism,, (6 May 2023).


Maritime Security and Defence Strategies to ensure a peaceful use of the seas against new threats!!!, EU Debates/ (13 March 2023).

Teija Tiilikainen,The Evolution of Hybrid Threats and Possibilities to Counter Them, IIEA, (26 September 2022).

Hudson Institute, Maritime Irregular Warfare: Preparing to Meet Hybrid Maritime Threats, (26 June 2019).